Tuesday 6 March 2012


Welcome to the all new Label Link, a blog that keeps you up to date with all the latest fashion, music, social and late night news and happenings in our infamous city.

As this is the first one we will keep it short and snappy,

Well after the derby day Label played host on Sunday night again to the legendary DJ Craig Moran. The night was topped off by some groups of pre-Candypants @ Tup Tup Palace goers dropping in for some buy 1 get 1 free cocktails and Laura, our Irish 'hostess with the mostess', even managed to convince them (helped by the amazing music provided by Craig) to stay for a cheeky bottle of vodka served at there table.

If you did not brave the town on Sunday night or were in no fit state to play out till 2am you missed out, so you'll have to come this week doors open at 9pm and it's free entry all night.

Tonight DJ Matt James joins us and he's even done you a pre-mix for you to download completely FREE just click:

As if the free entry and music was not enough remember that we love Student Tuesdays at Label and bring you these great offers

The best story we saw this week on blog is below; I find it hard believe that this is true, that Olympic athletes are going to be encouraged not to shake hands. Especially at a event that promotes unity and the joining together...


I think everyone should be made to hug at Olympics it would make for better viewing.

I also saw this on our bosses page which made me laugh as it's so true and kept us smiling all day long

So like I said short and snappy - remember to follow us on the social media listed below and feel free to share and reblog this as much as you like.

Enjoy the sunny weather while it lasts

and we'll see you through the week or the windows at Label Newcastle

Much love,

Label Link

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